Pushing for progress, nurturing change

“This school started with a few children but when the charity started providing food, even the children who live on the other side of the mountain started coming here on a daily basis.”

Back to all stories | Posted on 1 November 23 in BlogChildren's stories

Patrick is father to seven children: four attend the local pre-school, two are in primary, and one is in secondary. He understands that it requires a shift in focus for families in Turkana – where people traditionally keep livestock or catch fish – to send their children to school rather than keeping them at home to help with day-to-day tasks.

“We are so grateful for Mary’s Meals,” he says. “This school started with a few children but when the charity started providing food, even the children who live on the other side of the mountain started coming here on a daily basis.”

As an elder in his community, he is a respected leader tasked with liaising between the community and the government in Turkana. He uses this position to ensure the most vulnerable people have a voice and get the support they need; to protect the traditions of Turkana while helping to encourage progress and improvement. It’s a responsibility he doesn’t take lightly.

“Why is education so important? Because the children gain knowledge, and the future of this community depends on knowledge.

“If God calls me right now, I will be proud to have left a knowledgeable generation who will brighten and lighten the fate of this village in the future.”

Mary’s Meals currently provides a daily meal to more than 100,000 children in Turkana and thanks to the dedication and encouragement of communities and leaders, there is strong support for our program and for education.